Wavy Gradient Rug - Spatial Placement
Handwoven in Kyoto, Japan, Spatial Placement is a dynamic utilitarian rug, with the design that evokes the color of the sea, tropical color palette and Art Deco styles of Miami.
The item, uniquely comprised of multiple hues and shapes, beautifully injects colors to the space.
Our hand-tufted Wavy Gradient Rug - Spatial Placement is like modern art for your floors.
Size : 2200 x 2576 mm
New Zealand WOOL,Rayon
パイル:ニュージーランドウール / レーヨンを使用しております
Made in KYOTO, JAPAN. Made to order.
【About International Shipping】
You are to bear the import duty at the destination.
If you need more details regarding this item please feel free to contact us at studio@the-blue-boy.com
Dispatched within 8 - 9 weeks but it depends on where you live.
The product will be shipped within 1 week after the order is placed.
*For international shipping, it may take an extra 1-2 weeks for delivery.
*The new rug will shed especially for the first 7-8 months; however, the shedding will diminish after some time. We recommend vacuuming the rug once every week.
※Please note that delivery times may be longer for shipping outside of the JAPAN.
Shedding of loose fibers is normal with new wool rugs and a natural result of being handcrafted.
Shedding will diminish with regular vacuuming, typically within three to six months.
京都(日本)で手織りされたこのソフトで上質なウールとレーヨンでできた、ピンクやブルー、パープルが一枚のラグに行き交う色鮮やかな「Spatial Placement」は、マイアミの海の色やトロピカルなカラーコンビネーションとアール・デコ様式をイメージさせます。ラグにはサウスビーチに佇むホテルや住宅、ヴェルサーチの旧邸宅などに見られる直線と曲線と織り交ぜたアール・デコ様式のラインに、STUDIO THE BLUE BOY のデザイナーならではの柔らかくアブストラクトな模様をミックス。自由を感じることのできる1枚となっています。カラーとシェイプが複雑に組みあわさった豊かなデザインは存在感があり、空間を彩ります。