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#03. An insouciant zephyr "PALM READER"
The fragrance of the incense is inspired by Silver Lake, LA—Each note dedicated to different sceneries in the city. The main note of humbly sweet ylang ylang evokes the palm trees lined up on the hills; the conflation of clear sunlight peeking through the trees and faint shadows is rendered by the crisp scent of clove. The magisterial beauty of urban sunset reflecting in windows and suffusing the daily lives of people—The elusive scent of lavender represents such warm aesthetic, complimenting the rest of the aromas.
ロサンゼルス・シルバーレイクからインスパイアを受けて作られた香りの中には様々な景色が映し出されている。 イランイランの甘い静けさをメインに丘の上に立ち並ぶ街並みとパームツリー。その隙間から差し込む爽やかな日差しに柔らかい影に潜む刺激的なクローブの辛み。 そして窓に反射する都会の夕暮れに寄り添うそれぞれの生活。そこには日常があり、調和されたラベンダーが全てを包み込んでいる。
Main ingredients
- Indian Sandalwood -
Sandalwood found in Mysore, India. It is known to have antiseptic and aroma retaining properties with its soft subtle sweet scent.
- Fijian Sandalwood -
Fijian Sandalwood has a sour yet sweet and youthful characteristic scent. We blended the aroma to boost the scent of the Indian sandalwood.
- Patchouli -
In ancient times, Patchouli was believed to be a sacred therapeutic herb. It has a woody yet refreshing scent. It was originally used as a medicine in ancient India as it relieves tension and anxiety.
- Cinnamon -
Cinnamon, with its distinctive sweet and slightly spicy scent, is used as a traditional herbal medicine to improve digestive health and many others. Cinnamon and sandalwood enhance the aroma of patchouli, adding sweet softness to the accord.
- Lavender -
Lavender works in benign harmony with other aromas, and balances the base note. The elegantly sweet scent lingers and gently embraces the rest of the notes.
【ラベンダー】原料それぞれとの相性が良く、ベースのバランスを整える役割を果たします。 残り香に清々しい甘さが加わり全ての香りを優しく包みこみます。
- Ylang Ylang -
A starfish-shaped flower with yellow petals—ylang ylang—is known to be a natural aphrodisiac elixir that boosts estrogen levels. It has a sweet balmy scent.
- Vetiver -
A mesmerizing aroma released from the roots of Vetiver—the perennial bunchgrass of the family Poaceae—has a tusche-like smoky nuance that evokes the energy of earth. Vetiver is known to relieve poor circulation, stiff shoulder, fatigue, and muscle pain. It also has insect repellent properties, hence it can be used to keep bugs away.
【ベチパー】イネ科の多年草で、根っこから抽出されるベチパーは、墨汁のような少し、スモーキーで大地を感じるような香りが特徴的です。冷え性や肩こり、疲労回復、筋肉痛軽減などに役立つ香りとされています。 また防虫効果があり、虫よけの香りとしても使うことができます。
- Clove -
The history of this exotic and spicy aroma goes back many centuries. It has been used as a natural remedy for upset stomach, bad breath, and cavities. The scent is pleasantly stimulating and refreshing.
【丁子】エキゾチックで、スパイシーな香りが特徴的な丁子は、とても歴史が古く、 紀元前には、胃腸薬や口臭、虫歯の治療のためにも用いられました。刺激のある快い芳香で清涼感を足す役割を果たします。
- Borneol -
Borneol has a characteristic invigorating scent that is stimulating yet opulent and soft. It has insect repellent, antiseptic, and aroma-retaining properties. It creates contrast and spices up the fragrance.
【About International Shipping】
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【容量】 10g / 約30本 About 30pieces
【Instructions for use】
・The incense will burn anywhere from 20 to 30 mins. ・The product is made from natural ingredients, and delicately brittle than typical incense sticks. ・Light the tip of the incense stick, blow out the flame and let it burn. ・Burn the incense in an incense burner/holder or a non-flammable container. ・Great care is required in handling fire. ・Keep out of reach of children. ・Preserving the incense in humid moist areas for a long time may cause mold growth. Recommended to open the storage or box once in a while for ventilation.

・完全燃焼までにおよそ20-30分かかります。 ・天然原料使用のため、通常の線香よりも脆く仕上がっております。 ・お香の先端に火を付けたら炎を消してくゆらせて下さい。 ・香炉や香立など、容器は不燃性ものをお使いください。 ・火の取扱いには充分に気を付けてご利用ください。 ・お子様の手の届かない所へ保管するようお願いします。 ・湿気の多い場所に長く保管するとカビの原因となります。 保管する引出や箱等を時々開けて 通気させることをおすすめします。

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